Siddharth public school was established in year 2017. The school is recognized by the state government of TamilNadu .The Medium of instruction in English. Hindi is taught as second language in all classes up to class VIII .The school is administered by an experienced principal with the support of the members of the school management. Learning will be investigative and creative and children will be given every opportunity to develope academically , physically and arthistically with the sense of respect and strong set of values.
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth and the Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself that is why here Education will be imparted so that students get hold of knowledge and Life Skills to countenance the ever changing global challenges.
?????????? ??????? ?????? CBSE-????????????? 1st CBSE ?????? ???????? ????????????. 2024 - 25 KG to XI ??????? ??????? / ????? ????? Integrated Montessori for KG - Integrated JEE / NEET Foundation Class for 7th to 9th / Contact : 73731 45999 / 46999
Nurturing Human Excellence to Become Exemplary Global Citizens.
Committed to providing creative, innovative Realisitic, Responsive & Activity based learning methodologies with international standard.
Honesty | Leadership | Generous | Righteousness | Humanity | Patience | Competency | Harmony
On June 21,We Celebrate International Yoga day from Grade 1st to Grade 10th
The school reopen on June20. We welcomed the children by giving sweets and badges
On June 25th we inaugurated Siddharth Thavamaiyam in our School.Teacher are performed Yoga on that day
July 4th we introduced skool beep app for the upliftment of the students and better Understanding of the parents and teachers realationship
On July 6th we initiated ECA Classes In our School *Chess *Silambam * Skating *Archery
On July 12th we arranged a field trip for the students 1 to 10 Grade 1to 3 children visited the Shathivanam in Thanneerpalli Grade 4 to 9 Children visited kulithalai railway station
On July 13th MTS & SDS Colouring compatitions were held for the students (Grade 1to 9)
On July 15th we celebrated kamarajar's birthday as educational development day.We arranged many programs like drama dance and speeches.On July 15th we inaugurated "Anbu Suvar" In Our school students donated the clothes to anbusuvar
Siddharth public school celebrates children's day on 14 November 2022 in the school premises .All the children were given some valuable gift as a token of love from their teachers.
On November 4th we have arranged field trip from kg to grade 3 .Kg students visited the santhivanam in Thanneerpalli. Student enjoyed well by dancing and participating in games
On November 5th we have arranged field trip for grade 4 to 9 Childrean . students visited panniyar dam at poonjilai near tharagampatti kadavur
We have celebrated Vijayadashami on October 5, in a grand manner in our school.we organised a grand Pooja on that day
The students of the eco club got a first hand experience of cultivation in tha paddy field
To learning fun and interesting,we organize white colour day on 18th November 2022
On June 21,We Celebrate International Yoga day from Grade 1st to Grade 10th
On June 21,We Celebrate International Yoga day from Grade 1st to Grade 10th
On 30th June, Yellow day was celebrated for kgs